danke für die verständliche anleitung, hat bis jetzt auch alles ganz gut geklappt, aber wenn ich den download starte zeigt es mir den fehler ERR:Dbl erase an. was muss ich tun um diesen fehler zu umgehen?
Bad news ,Lately, there have been reports of illegal downloading of applications and we would like to implement a few measures to prevent such activities from recurring.Samsung Apps will be implementing the following measures to counter the illegal downloads.1) By the end of November, we will be distributing a new binary for devicesin Russia, and in December, the new binary will be distributed globally.2) A new security feature will be added to applications. The security of theapplications will be strengthened without any additional programmingfrom our partners.In regards to the measure number 2 above, as for all applications registered through the Seller Office and are currently on sale, we will be implementing a security patch for "strengthening the security of the applications". As such, we would like to ask all of our partners to consent to binary upgrade so that we can implement the new binary at the earliest possible time.Soon, the apps from the store will be modified, once they do, the free apps can't be used as containers anymore. Once you install the games and are working don't do the stupidity to uninstall them or hard reset the phone !"Soon, the apps from the store will be modified, once they do, the free apps can't be used as containers anymore. Once you install the games and are working don't do the stupidity to uninstall them or hard reset the phone !"
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