I have to say, after reading some of the comments here, those against the NSA cracking encryption are blind to the benefits of what they are trying to do, and yes, the ability to break encryption IS a big benefit to being able to do what they do.
Suan, who had not thought evil of his friend, took the post and built his house. When it was finished, his house was foundto surpass that of his friend. This fact made Pedro so envious of Suan, that at last he went to him and asked Suan for thepost back again.
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Now, Pedro knew that devils do not like crosses, and cannot even stay where they have to look at them. So one day he askedhis mother to make for him two gowns, one having little crosses hanging from it. When these had been finished, Pedro askedhis father to give him over to Satan, so that he might work with the demons in hell. No sooner had he expressed [212]his desire to his father than the Devil appeared and took the young man off to his kingdom. There Pedro was assigned the taskof directing the demons in hauling the logs that were to be used for fuel.
Now, the young man had put a strong piece of rope under his gown. One day, when Satan was taking his siesta in a rocking-chair,Pedro tied him fast to the chair. Then he removed his outer gown and woke Satan. The Devil with closed eyes struggled hardto escape; but he could not get loose. So he humbly requested Pedro to go away and leave him alone; but Pedro would neitherleave him nor let him go. He demanded the document, but Satan would not give it up. So Pedro kept on frightening the Deviluntil at last Satan said that he would give up the document if Pedro would release him. Pedro put on his outer robe, and theDevil called his secretary and told him to give the golden document to the young man. Pedro threw the bond into the fire;and when he saw that it was completely melted, he took off his outer robe again, and turned Satan loose. The Devil ran awayexceedingly terrified.
Having gotten rid of this evil woman, the king ordered the body of the innocent woman to be buried among the noble dead. Thecorpse was placed in a magnificent tomb, and was borne in a procession with pompous funeral ceremonies. He himself dressed entirely in black as a sign of hisgenuine grief for her; yet, in spite of his sorrow for his true wife, he took comfort in her son, who grew to be a handsomeboy. As time went on, the prince developed into a brave youth, who was able to perform the duties of his father the king:so, as his father became old, no longer able to bear the responsibilities of regal power, the prince succeeded to the throne,and ruled the kingdom well. He proved himself to be the son of the good woman by his wise and just rule over his subjects. 2ff7e9595c